

Thursday 19 November 2015

Human rights are for minorities, not for the children of Scotland

Justice Secretary Alex Neil has launched a new campaign on 18 November 2015 that raises awareness of the benefits of human rights for everyone. [ I hope that includes children]...

"This new campaign is designed to help people better understand how human rights are relevant, used on a day to day basis and how they help build a fairer and more progressive society." [I hope that includes children]...

Here is a sloppy representation of the Human Rights Act by Citizens Advice - but it does give the flavour -  they do point out rights under Article 8:

Article 8 - the right to respect for your family and private life, your home and your correspondence is one [I think they mean one of] the rights protected by the Human Rights Act...

Private life has a broad meaning. It means you have the right to live your life with privacy and without interference by the state. It covers things like:

your sexuality your body
personal identity and how you look and dress
forming and maintaining relationships with other people
how you [I think they mean your] personal information is held and protected.

Was the Social Justice Minister talking about the children of Scotland? I would hope so, because there are groups going around schools telling children they have rights and their voices will be heard without informing them of their rights under Article 8 ...

Maybe not:
 Today’s launch was supported by equal marriage campaigners and Scotland’s first female same sex married couple Susan and Gerrie Douglas Scott who are flying the flag for human rights...
Good on them, but it does raise the question: Why would the minister propagate the rights of a minority and have no word to say about children and the Named Person scheme which strips children of these same Human rights?

After all, our children are the future of Scotland.

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