

Monday, 7 November 2016

Appeal for Docherty family

Brian Gerrish,  UK Column:

"I have to say that we are delighted to be back in contact with Brian and Janice Docherty. They have been through an absolutely horrific time in Ireland. This is the family who`ve had four children taken away from them. Why? Because they simply reported the approach of a paedophile when they were living on an estate in Scotland and as a result of that action alone they have now been hounded by social services, the police, local authorities, the establishment in Scotland, in Ireland, and of course with the total support and collaboration of the British state."

"So this is the reality of Britain in 2016 that if you report paedophile activity that is too close to the political elite your children are taken away from you, your home burgled, broken into, smashed apart, animals, pets killed, dogs clearly tortured with cattle prods and we learnt over the weekend that the thirteen year old daughter of Brian and Janice was actually tasered when the armed garda took the children away from their parents."

"Now at the moment Brian and Janice are in desperate need of financial support. Money that was provided through the UK Column some months ago has reached them and has made a difference but there is an urgent need for some significant money to help this couple and we`re starting that plea today."

"If you can help in any way with a donation, however small, it is very necessary. We have some events around Brian and Janice which will [be]come clear in the coming weeks but at the moment we can`t talk about that. We have to say that this immensely brave couple can only survive at the moment with help from the public and friends and family. So if you can donate, please consider making a donation through the UK Column and make sure all donations are clearly labelled for the Docherty family. "

"Four children taken away, mum and dad completely without blame. They haven`t done anything. They`ve not harmed the children. They haven`t neglected the children. They have simply reported their suspicions about a very large, it would appear, paedophile ring operating in the north of Scotland with connections through to the establishment ... levels of British politics. This is outrageous."

"Please help if you can."

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