

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Teaching union votes for work to rule

"Members of the country's largest teaching union, the EIS, have voted overwhelmingly for a work to rule."

"Their concerns are related to the work linked to the new school qualifications."

"Education Secretary John Swinney said: `The result of today's ballot is disappointing albeit on what appears to be a low turnout`."

"He added: `Given that we are addressing the issues of teacher workload, industrial action in our schools would not be in the interests of anyone, least of all pupils and parents`. "

"The union said members voted in favour of action by 95% to 5%..."

"The work to rule will be targeted at the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) - there is no suggestion of school activities being affected."

"Earlier this week, the Scottish government called on unions to come up with ideas for cutting the workload."

"General secretary Larry Flanagan said: `Scotland's secondary teachers have voted overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action against the severe workload burden that has been generated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority`."

"`This ballot result reflects the frustration of Scotland's secondary teachers over the excessive assessment demands being placed on them and their pupils, particularly around unit assessments at National 5 and Higher; and the EIS now has a very clear mandate to implement an immediate work-to-contract in relation to SQA activity.`"

1 comment:

  1. There are also concerns about Named Person role.

    "Scotland’s largest teachers union has “very relevant concerns” about the controversial Named Person scheme."

    "The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) has warned the plans could leave a “black hole” in child protection and teacher workloads."

    "At the union’s annual meeting a week ago, members voiced concern about the “legal and contractual” implications of the scheme."
    "Senior teachers, including heads and deputy heads, are likely to be expected to become a named person under the legislation.."

    "But EIS branch secretary, David Baxter, said: `There appears to be a big black hole surrounding the provision of the service that needs to be questioned, namely teachers’ contractual rights`."

    “`The named-person role as a statutory responsibility cannot be ignored`."

    "`The undertaking of this role will require time and it will require resources, and all of this has to fit into our terms and conditions`."
