

Saturday 18 June 2016

Parents should have lessons provided by the government

'Parenting and Public Health' - Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown from curious ostrich on Vimeo.

Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown seems to come from the same school as Sir Harry Burns when she talks about the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the life course but she does admit that adverse events occur in all social groups although at a higher level in disadvantaged groups.

"Research evidence has a great power to persuade," she says; but it is unclear what the data is telling us or what the audience is being persuaded to do; other than propagating the myth of the first three years.


Recent pronouncements are more forthright:

"Parents should have lessons provided by the government on how to raise their children, Britain's leading public health expert has said."

"Professor John Ashton, outgoing president of the Faculty of Public Health (FPH), said children were neglected by some schools and parents..."

"One in 10 children aged five to 16 years had a mental health problem that warranted support and treatment, the report said."

"And the quality of the parent-child relationship and parenting more broadly played a primary role..."

"Prof Sarah Stewart-Brown, who produced the report, said diet and activity played a role in mental health but `supporting parenting is key. The first 1,001 days of a child's life are particularly important`."

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