It is amazing what can be found on Youtube. Here is someone pleading with Scotland to become a nation and to throw off the yoke of the Named Person. That might be too much of a specification for some. What is ironic is that many of the ideas that Scotland are implementing originate with the US.
From US Special Education Guide:
"Children with special needs can often benefit from a number of therapies and, generally, the sooner they receive treatment, the better the outcomes will be. But, how do you know if a child needs help? The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires each state to implement early identification policies to locate and refer children who may have a disability to that state’s early intervention programme...(EI)"
"There are two methods for identifying and referring a child to EI. The first is a referral, usually by an educator or a parent. The second is the Child Find programme. Mandated by IDEA, Child Find continuously searches for and evaluates children who may have a disability with the use of Child Find activities, which can vary widely from school district to school district." Hoge, who has campaigned against the US education standards called Common Core for over twenty years, thinks Common Core is expanding into psychological experimentation:
"Every child has a target on their back. The Federal Government wants EVERY child to conform to Common Core. `CHILD FIND` is the technique carried out and funded by Special Education, IDEA, to identify your child as AT-RISK. Teacher PREDATORS monitor, video, scan,, scavenge, and document every move, every word uttered, every written word and every idea that your child has. Kids are closely monitored in the classroom, in the cafeteria, in the hallways, on the playground, on the bus, in the restrooms...every space is monitored for behaviour, speech or written word. Every documented incident is captured in the NCES/IES federal data base. Datamining is big business and this personal information is a freebie."
"What are they looking for? Group goals. Group commitment. Group effort ... or Any social, emotional or behavioural action or opinion that would justify intervention as a disability. Teachers are being trained to look for anything from wiggling in their seats, dropping a pencil, staring out the window or getting out of line at lunch as a behavioural problem. Speech is monitored so that no child can voice their true opinions. Disagreements are documented as anti-social behaviour or racist. Any pushing, shoving, kicking or fighting is deemed aggressive behaviour that must be modified. "
One of the apps being used is BOSS™ - Behavioural Observation of Students in Schools.
Scotland is not quite up to scratch with implementing the technology in classrooms, as the US leads the way, but it will have plenty of data, as fodder, for more apps and interventions. After all, it is designed to be the best place for children to grow up.
Now, we must get our Orwellian caps on and think about what that actually means. Who is this best for ?