

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Reading problems ?

(1) Neuro-imaging might predict future problems.

"New innovations in the neuroscience of education have opened the possibility that young children predisposed to reading problems could be identified early, even before they learn to read. Parents can get their children tested, using an electroencephalogram (EEG) that can show differences in students’s brains tied to dyslexia or autism. Some districts have begun to see rises in test scores, as well. "

(2) Non-verbal communication:

On the other hand, shaking the head, pointing and other gestures related to communication might indicate proficiency in later literacy skills.

(3) Proprioception (brain/body coordination)

"Gross-motor Activities such as walking, climbing, running, rolling down hills, hopping, skipping, hanging from monkey bars,catching a ball, playing ball games, clapping, bike riding, jump rope, carrying shopping bags."

"Fine-motor Activities such as drawing, painting, sewing, cutting with scissors, picking weeds, knitting, threading beads, old fashioned games,’Jack Straws’."

"According to Bright Brain Scotland: "Encouraging participation in healthy, rhythmic, and non-competitive activities will help our children develop the connections between their brain and bodies, which will later enable learning for reading, writing, spelling, numerical skills, and creative and imaginative thinking."

(4) And let us not forget emotions:

"New work from Mary-Helen Immordino-Yang’s lab at the University of Southern California (USC) Rossier School of Education has revealed that emotions powerfully shape the way that we experience the world around usas well as how we learn from it. What’s more, emotion is strongly influenced by an individual’s culture and social environment. "

So there is plenty for parents to be worrying about.

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