

Friday 15 January 2016

Textbook companies are in it for the money?

"In this new video, Project Veritas journalists visit with America’s top textbook publishing companies, the moneymakers of Common Core, in an effort to expose how crony capitalism is taking over America’s educational system. Shockingly, our journalists caught a publishing executive mocking her own immoral behavior and then laughing about it on hidden camera."
"You don’t think that the educational publishing companies are in it for education do you? No. They’re in it for the money. The fact that they have to align the educational standards is what they have to do to sell the books."

For those schools which still use textbooks, that is.

There is another group of crony capitalists who are moving in to capture some of the education budgets from around the world  and that is the software companies promoting digital learning.

And let us not forget that Pearson is the UK company that is going to design the  PISA education assessments for the OECD which are used to standardise global education.

The multinationals do seem to be creating a huge market for themselves.

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