

Sunday, 15 June 2014

From the CIA to UNICEF: Big Aid`s dirty secret

"What are Tony Lake's qualifications to run the number one children's relief works in the world? Maybe his silence during the Rwandan genocide, when as National Security Advisor to President Clinton, he admitted knowing about and "regretted" not doing something when hundreds of thousands of women and children were hacked to death in central Africa. Then there were the million and a half women and children in Eritrea who had to flee for their lives in the face of the Ethiopian invasion in 2000, something Tony Lake was intimately involved in helping instigate and direct."

"Tony Lake was nominated to be the Director of the CIA as a parting gift for his loyal role as consigliere in the Clinton White House, a gift taken from him when reports of corruption derailed his nomination."

"From CIA to UNICEF? The charge that every person who has headed a major western aid agency has an intelligence background has been proven time and time again. It may have taken some serious digging, some dogged investigation, but the fact remains that everyone of those supposed humanitarians that has been investigated has turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing."

"Whether its the World Health Organization suppressing news of the breakthrough in malaria mortality prevention, to the World Food Program trying to destroy food security/self sufficiency, to Tony Lake taking over UNICEF, the word to the wise is beware enemies bearing gifts. Big Aid has a very dirty secret and the whole world needs to know about it."

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