

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Staggering leak of children`s private data

[Gareth Rose]

"The SNP`s Named Person scheme has been plunged into further chaos after a `staggering` leak of children`s private data."

"The names, addresses, schools, dates of birth and family details of vulnerable children were published online by a council piloting the introduction of state guardians. The breach was reported and the page taken offline, but the Information Commissioner`s Office is now investigating.  Dundee City Council could face a £500,000 fine."

"It is a blow for John Swinney, days after the Education Secretary tried to resurrect the policy. He was forced to halt it in August after the UK Supreme Court ruled it would breach children`s human rights."

"Last week, Mr Swinney introduced scaled back plans that would only see information shared in `exceptional circumstances`, with plans for new legislation this year.`"

"But the news about the SNP-run council raises serious doubts over its ability to handle confidential data."

"Children featured in a `user guide` to Getting It Right for Every Child, the wider SNP policy which includes Named Person...."

"A Scottish Government spokesman said: `We remain absolutely committed to the Named Person service."

See also:

As well as the unnamed Scottish government spokesman, Martin Crewe, CEO of Barnardo`s Scotland, is being as flippant as ever about data sharing.


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    Fresh Start Foundation is a Scottish not for profit group, helping child sexual abuse victims & survivors to achieve Truth & Justice and to support their recovery.

    Our aim is to provide a break with the past and promote the eradication of child sexual abuse. We champion the values of Truth, Justice and believe sunlight, coupled with self love is the best healer.
    We are independent of Government.

    To this end, we would like to invite you to our Conference at The Station Hotel in Perth, Scotland on 3rd May 2017 from 9:15 am to 6 pm.

    We need your help and expertise in whatever way you can offer
    Come and join with us, to make our conference unique for being the first step forward for a Fresh Start for the future for Scotland's Victims & Survivors.

    Yours faithfully,

    Fresh Start Foundation

    Survivors 0300 999 2017

    Admin 01444 390270
