

Friday, 17 March 2017

Free Melanie Shaw tweetstorm thursday 23 March

Mike Robinson introduced the topic on Friday`s UK Column News: "Somebody who is supporting Melanie has asked people to take part in the Tweetstorm on Thursday 23 March between 8 and 10pm. So we`re going to be advertising this over the next few days."


"Basically FreeMelanieShaw is the hashtag. I`m sure there are lots of people would appreciate receiving tweets on this subject next Thursday... Theresa May for example."

"Well Amber Rudd," Brian Gerrish adds. "Yes Mike this is terribly important. I was able to listen to a recording of Melanie speak a couple of days ago and what she`s enduring in HM Prison Foston Hall is truly horrific and we now know from other prisoners that the wardens are simply telling prisoners that Melanie is mentally ill and not to believe a word she says."

"What I heard in Melanie`s own voice was extremely composed and of course the truth of the matter is the British government wants this lady silenced because of her knowledge of the abuse and deaths of children and connections back through to the British government in Westminster."

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