

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Future services

There is legislation in Scotland and elsewhere in the UK within which there are woolly notions about wellbeing and personalisation  - which have serious consequences for families and children. 

We`re going to provide the services for the future: whether it`s an elderly person dying, we`ll predict the dying and make it happen. Whether it`s a learner on the wrong pathway - we`ll predict the future and turn them around - or whether it`s a young person on a course to criminality - we`re going to get in there before it happens and make a difference. That is what our government tells us and it`s nonsense; it`s dangerous.

People will argue over Section 4 in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, for example, and the ramifications of certain clauses in the Act. If it can be turned around, it will be claimed that the Act was well intentioned and only requires a bit of tinkering and all will be well. Time and energy is lost and much damage is done through pilot schemes in the meantime.

The legislation is built up incrementally so that nobody suspects where it is actually going. [Yet somebody must know] We are not dealing with stupid people. They are quite capable of determining the consequences of the legislation. I do believe there is enough evidence to show that this type of legislation is put in place quite deliberately in order to achieve its consequences: surveillance, control of the population, and profit:

Finola Moss, a qualified solicitor, has produced a blog with a disturbing account of what happened to her disabled daughter and her family.
I started my blog out of desperation to see if anyone might help, and do something about my family’s and daughters plight. And the many others who suffer in silence in totalitarian Britain.
Families like mine are now, due to changes in the law, which dictate social care, medical, and educational services and funding, placed at the mercy of a ruthless state.
The old, disabled, and vulnerable have been made cash cows. And huge profits are made from their care, by large corporate monopolies, on the backs of zero hour agency workers. The simple policy of our government is to remove all of these people, from their families and community, by court order to encagement in care homes, mental institutions, and independent living units.
Their care is unaccountable, and in secret, and the families are cut out of their loved ones care for ever. Even visits.


  1. Thank you Alice, just spotted this.

    Please feel free to use as much of any other posts you need, to get the message across, I am really pleased you spotted my blog.

    Stopping this ruthless, illegal control of our lives, by the state, is fundamentel to retaining our our freedom.

    Tory philosophy is supposed to be about autonomy, and less state control, yet this government has policies that are more draconian than the last .

    Blair drafted the Mental Capacity Act 05, which is behind all this enforcement,but even they could not implement it by the MCA 07, as the House of Lords would not let them, as too draconian of individuals rights. See my posts of the Mental Capacity Act , it is a terrifying piece of legislation.

    All is done by stealth, both the operation by the social services, but also by carers, and the secret court of protection.

    Control of us by diagnosis of mental disorders is growing, not the latest media push even in our soaps ie Corronation St emotional abuse to be made a crime, depression, and the miracle of medication on an ADH child.

    Mental illness is a huge pharma cash cow. And we, as usual, are being hot housed by USA pharma industry.

    All is being ripped off, our minds, our freedom. our family, and we are sleeping walking into it,

    My next blog will be on the horrors and billions made out of anti psychotic drugs on the autistic like respiridol but fire water will soon be pedalled to us all, already half the public are on it.

    That you once again for reblogging and spreading the word.

    All this must be stopped whilst we still have the chance

  2. Thanks Finola. I found your blog a very disturbing and profound piece of work and figured you would wish the word to be spread.

    Here in Scotland we have the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 which has the same effect as the Mental Capacity Act - maybe even worse because there are no Deprivation of Liberty safeguards - but for all the use they are.

    It seems to me that everywhere you look in the Western world legislation is being put in place that robs people of their liberties and turns ordinary citizens into commodities.

    I look forward to your post about the abuse of psychotic drugs which more and more are being introduced to very young children. We need to start joning the dots to see the bigger picture.

    I hope you and your daughter are well.
