

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Working together to create `social value`

Snippet from UK Column News 9 August 2018:

"Why would Gavin Williamson go to the Atlantic Council? Well this is what the Council say they are about:"

"Working Together to Secure the Future: Renewing the Atlantic Community for Global Challenges" 

"The Atlantic Council promotes constructive leadership and engagement in international affairs based on the Atlantic Community`s central role in meeting global challenges. The Council provides an essential forum for navigating the dramatic economic and political changes defining the twenty-first century by informing and galvanising its uniquely influential network of global leaders. Through the papers we write, the ideas we generate, and the communities we build, the Council shapes policy choices and strategies to create a more secure and prosperous world."

"Well," says Brian Gerrish, "We always say to our audience, `Do your own research` and if you do your own research on this, `Go and have a look at the people involved`. Now I just had a look at a couple. We`ve got pretty aggressive, tired, American military people. `Their interest`, as they state, `is simply America`s best interest`. So that doesn`t even include Britain. We`ve got a bit of a split personality here as well, but this one caught my eye. This is the Chief Executive Frederick Kempe."

"Before joining the Council, Kempe was a prize-winning editor and reporter at the Wall Street Journal for more than twenty-five years. - So we have a newspaper reporter [who] summons Britain`s minister of war to tell him, presumably, what he thinks that young Gavin should do. This would be humorous were it not for the fact that it`s think tanks like Atlantic Council that are producing the very policy that schoolboys like Gavin Williamson are then putting in place; and the dismantling of UK`s military is all part, of course, of helping the structure of EU military unification and the EU military bloc then forms part of the trilateral programme of the Americas, Europe and Asia .... But we`ll come on to more of that in our future news programme."

Building a Future that works for Everyone
Mike Robinson: "OK now today the government has issued its new Civil Society Strategy which is subtitled Building a Future that Works for Everyone. But are they? Now look this is fundamentally about the relationship between us as individuals and the state and this is probably one of the most important documents that the government has published in quite some time. This first Civil Society Strategy is the first produced in fifty years. They say it`s going to build stronger communities by bringing together businesses, charities, and the public sector and this is exactly what we`ve been warning about for a very long time: bringing together businesses, charities and the public sector..."

"Now why is this important? And why is this a problem for us? Well they`re saying that the strategy proposes significant reforms across the public and private sectors to build a fairer society... They say that people and communities and charitable organisations will be at the centre of decision making. This is Big Society on steroids, but here`s the main bullet points of what they`re talking about."

"Unlocking £20 million from inactive charitable trusts. So they`re going to steal money from inactive charitable trusts and this is going to support community organisations over the next two years and it`s going to be carried out in conjunction with the Charity Commission and UK community foundations." 

"They`re going to launch an `Innovation in Democracy` pilot scheme in six regions across the country. This will [innovate] creative ways to make a more direct role in decisions that effect local areas. So this is kind of extending the participatory democracy idea to include pilot schemes to get people to vote or have local referenda and these kind of things. It might include citizens juries or mass participation in decision making in community issues by online poll or app."

"OK. They`re going to establish an independent organisation that will distribute £90 million from dormant bank accounts. More stealing of money out of bank accounts. Now these are dormant bank account. They say that if you suddenly realised you had a dormant bank account and you`ve forgotten about it and you forgot your money was there that you can come back and reclaim that money at a later date. Well, it doesn`t matter; it`s still stealing people`s money."

"Creating an independent organisation to use £55 million from dormant bank accounts. What else are they going to do? They`re going to support charities to make their voices heard on issues that matter to them." 

"They are going to `strengthen Britain`s values of corporate responsibility, through the launch of a major new Leadership Group`. We`ll come back to that."

"They`re going to `use digital technology for good to improve the work charities can provide`. Does that mean for the benefit of people? Or does that mean they`re going to use digital technology forever? I think it means forever."

"But anyway they say they`re `improving the use of the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 to ensure that organisations can generate more social value for communities`."

"So this is what Jeremy Wright who`s currently the digital minister, the secretary of state for digital communities, digital culture, media and sports said: `Our plans stand side-by-side with the industrial strategy, supporting its drive to grow the economy, while creating an environment where people and communities are at the heart of decision-making.` So this all sounds very good. But let`s just remind ourselves of the Fusion Doctrine because that`s what this is all about. This is bringing businesses, charities and the public sector together with government, blurring the lines between them and removing any kind of restriction on their activities..."

"Can we demonstrate that? Well yes we can. Let`s have a look at the sort of opening words of the strategy document. It said. `For the purpose of this Strategy, civil society refers to individuals and organisations when they act with the primary purpose of creating social value, independent of state control. By social value we mean enriched lives and a fairer society for all. So there`s that word `fairer` again. What is social value actually ? Well, let`s go to the Big Lottery Fund which is, of course, one of the big funders of the Big Society and of course this is all about doing good, Brian. Creating social value is all about doing good. But when we actually look in a bit more detail we find that it`s Common Purpose ideology wrapped up in nice language as evidenced by the fact that Julia Middleton has been writing articles for the Big Lottery Fund on this issue and of course Julia Middleton, founder of Common Purpose, this ubiquitous so-called charity with political aims that provides leadership."

"And if we go back to the document again, to the main bullet points, of course, what they`re talking about here is a major new leadership group. So here we`re seeing Common Purpose connections right through this."  

"But here`s the key point. This is the main danger of this whole thing. ... Because, what is the relationship between us as individuals and the state? It`s based on this:"

The state may do nothing but that which is expressly authorised by law, while the individual may do anything but that which is forbidden by law.

Entick-v-Carrington [1765]

"This is a fundamental part of the common law constitution in the UK and it applies to every common law nation in the world and it was established formally by this case law Entick-v-Carrington [1765] It has existed since then. It`s existed for a lot longer than that piece of case law that simply rubber stamped what was already in existence."

"But here is the attitude of the local authorities and this was John Tradewell who was at the time director of Democracy Law & Transformation, Staffordshire County Council. And he says: `A local authority has power to do anything... Those are the words that everyone will hear and understand. As well as freeing us from parliament, the power will give us independence from government. We, not Westminster, know what`s in the best interests of our people and communities."

"No it doesn`t [have the power to do anything.] Let`s go back to this:"

"`The state, and its representatives like a local authority, may do nothing but that which is expressly authorised by law` John Tradewell says a local authority has the power to do anything. If the local authority has the power to do anything then it has the power to put you in prison without due process  or to do all kinds of things."

Brian Gerrish: "Well let`s remind people ... why we were interested in this gentleman because he was part of Staffordshire County Council which was taking children  - babies - wrenching them out of the hands of their crying mothers and trying to go after UK Column for exposing this heinous behaviour by Staffordshire County Council. He was part of the legal team who no doubt assisted producing their court documentation."

"Absolutely. So here`s the local authority. The local authority has the power to do anything. Those are the words that everyone will hear and understand. As well as freeing us from parliament, the power will give us independence from government. We, not Westminster, know what`s in the best interests of our people and communities." 

Brian Gerrish. "Right. And remember when the term `we` is used in reference to a County Council or a City Council we`re actually talking about the cabinet who hold the power within that authority..."

Mike Robinson: "And not the elected representatives."

Brian Gerrish. "Not the elected representatives. So Cabinet may only be eight people of which the chief executives usually control them like a private fiefdom. And. of course, they`re backed up by the vast numbers of people in their legal departments. So these are very dangerous entities. If they believe that they have the power to do anything or everything - that seems to be the case - then they`ve got all the tools to impose that power on the public, even though it`s public money that`s being used to pay their salaries in the first place."

"Absolutely. And I just say again, people should read that quote and be fearful of it because look at what he`s saying: `freeing us from parliament, independence from government, we, not Westminster. This is spectacular language."

"This is hidden city state language."

"Absolutely. It`s going right through this city region policy. This is a fundamental change in our relationship with the state as individuals and this new Civil Society Strategy takes us a step further because by merging government, local government, charities, the private sector together to `do good`, they`re giving all these bodies the idea that they have the power to do anything, ride roughshod over the rights of individuals. This is unlimited power and well we`ve been talking about this for a very long time and there are a host of articles on the UK Column website which have been trying to highlight the dangers..."

Heading for data capital of the world

"Intimate details of pupils` private lives are being shared among teachers in the latest Big Brother storm to hit Scottish schools."

"Information about children`s sexuality, personal opinions and even how wealthy their families are have been entered into a database that can be viewed by teachers on their laptops. The move has been backed by SNP ministers, who believe it will help tackle the growing problem of bullying in our classrooms."

"But Dr Stuart Waiton of Abertay University in Dundee said last night that the new database smacked of `Big Brother in the classroom`."

"The senior sociology lecturer added: `It`s a concern that teachers and education departments are becoming increasingly preoccupied with the minutiae of pupils` private lives."

"`This scheme appears to be part of the Named Person framework, which focuses on the vague idea of wellbeing and puts the state in charge of assessing and monitoring it."

"But it only encourages teachers to behave as quasi-social workers or therapists. They would be far better off focusing on the job of educating students rather than acting as Big Brother in the classroom.`"

"The `pupil-profiling` scheme is being piloted at Wallace High School in Stirling as part of the Scottish Government`s national bullying strategy. Ministers believe pupils` personal information will help teachers decide whether a child is more likely to be a bully - or a victim."

"Wallace High has set up a scheme in which pastoral notes on pupils are distilled into mini data packages that are then circulated to teachers."

"The pilot project allows staff to view updated digests of every child`s story on their laptops ahead of each lesson."

"The Government says the new approach will `identify trends` and that its success will be measured by computer analysis of the data."

"But Alison Preuss of the Scottish Home Education Forum branded the scheme `petty statism`. She said: `This will actually stand in the way of teachers developing good relationships and empathy with pupils, which is the key to beating bullying."

The data capital of Europe

At the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal attended by Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon, the first speaker said: "Our ambition is to be the data capital of Europe, a place with the mix of university led innovation, brilliant graduates and an ecosystem of entrepreneurial incubation and scale up and growth nestled next to global companies which drives growth and draws in investment."

Note the words: `data capital of Europe` and `nestled next to global companies`.  Regionalisation, big data and the establishment of a network of city states are global movements being pushed by our governments to centralise power FOR the benefit of the big global companies.

The speaker goes on: "As we sign the deal today we see the benefits in major initiatives which are already taking shape, many of which will unfold in this building"....  He sees some of these initiatives in open banking, in health and social care, robotics, communications technologies and the creative industries... Other benefits of the city region deal will be to "work across sectors, in education, local authorities, business, government, for shared ends and collective benefits."

Future leaders here we go !

In other words this is `joined up working`, Common Purpose language. It really means the dismantling of local democracy and the privatisation of public services, again, for the benefit of the big global companies, all dressed up in verbiage to suggest this is something wonderful.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Roelie Post in hiding

"Roelie Post worked for the EU in Brussels. She blew the whistle on malpractices and corruption in dealing with Romanian child trafficking. She was harassed and fired by the EU, and even has to repay her salary. She is in hiding but speaks out to GeenStijl's reporter Tom Staal."

Part of the Transcript:

Tom: "You`re fighting against a whole institution, so do you have any confidence? This seems to be an institution that`s a law unto itself."

Roelie: "To be honest, I have no confidence [in reaching a resolution] However, walking away and stopping [isn`t an option]; the case is also about the other issue, which is children`s rights. That`s what my fight is primarily about. I`m not so concerned about winning my pay case."

Tom: "So there`s more to your case?"

Roelie: "We have to consider what winning would look like here. Certainly, money is not trivial, I can`t live on fresh air. But it`s also about children`s rights; and that has to be resolved. No walking away from that.  Look, if I walk away these powerful forces are going to say, `Phew, she`s walking away! We`re rid of her`..." 
Tom: "You mean they`d never give up on trying to get you?"

Roelie; "Yes, I`ve come to that realisation by now. So this is something you can`t walk away from. So the only way out is forward and staying - literally - in the picture, keeping the case in the public eye, because that`s an insurance policy."

Tom: "But you`ve had to go into hiding. Are you able to go out on the street where you are now, or are you constantly watching your back?"

Roelie: "Yes, I`m constantly watching my back."

Tom: "If they`re such powerful entities, doesn`t their long arm extend even to where you are now?"

Roelie: "Well, they`ll track me down in the end alright. I`m under no illusions about that. But where I am now, it`s less straightforward for them to make me `have an accident`. It`s also less easy for them to intimidate me by getting people to hang around my front door or whatever. "

Tom: "This is a place where people are looking out for each other, you mean?"

Roelie: "Oh yes, very much so; and where strangers stand out. Quite the opposite of Brussels where I lived before. My house was 200 metres from the European Commission and you get all kinds of people passing by all day. In that situation, you never have a moment`s peace of mind but here I`m safe. On the other hand, I do have to watch out even here not to be out and about too much. So if I`m heading out anywhere beyond the next village, then I always use public transport and taxis. I don`t use my car for longer journeys. They - and now I`m saying `they`... well, the first time I had an appointment with my lawyer in Brussels, it seemed that I had a near miss from a very serious accident."

Tom: "Are you sure you`re not just seeing things here?"

Roelie: "Well, that`s just the problem. In 2004, what the [Belgian] police said to me was, keep a log of everything that happens, including what you were doing at the time. In other words to log `I was on my way to the supermarket` or `I was on my way to something else`.` So I started keeping such a log. When my car was stolen, I was doing X. When my house was broken into, I was doing Y. I was once nearly driven off a mountain by another vehicle and I logged what happened. So I could always account for what I was doing when something happened."

Tom: "But is there really so much money at stake in adoption that they`ve got it in for you?"

Roelie: "Yes and no. Of course, the adoption agencies want to make sure their salaries remain secure."

Tom: "So ultimately, it`s all about the money?

Roelie: "No, not just money."

Tom: "So what is it all about here? What`s their objective?"

Roelie: "There are more motives in the world than just money. Money in general is a prime motive, but there`s another powerful motive in the world and that`s sex, including, tragically, sex with children. There is a linkage between the adoption industry and paedophile networks and demand for children and the organ trade. This is because upon adoption, children acquire a new identity, and so you can `disappear` children that way. It sounds blood curdling; it is blood curdling."

Tom: "You were sitting right on top of this, weren`t you?

Roelie: "Yes."


See Roelie Post`s book For Export Only.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Evidence from John Wedger

Brutal behaviour towards 14 year old girl

Published on 23 Aug 2018

"Lancashire Police Officer PC 2846 loses all self-control ... so much so that his female colleague can clearly be seen holding his arm to prevent him from slapping the young girl being arrested. PC 2846 then covers the body camera of his female colleague as she attempts to put the girl in handcuffs."

"This behaviour comes as no surprise to those who have seen the UK Police Force evolve into a de-humanised para-military."

In 2014, HUMANITY vs INSANITY was launched with a 3 part examination UK Police Behaviour:

Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Part 3 :

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Plan B for Named Person scheme

"Anti-Named Person campaigners have accused the Scottish Government of trying to implement the controversial scheme by the back door even if the legislation fails."

"The accusation was made after documents retrieved via Freedom of Information showed that having a `Plan B` if MSPs reject the proposals was discussed at a meeting of unnamed government officials and advisers."

"A note of the meeting held in February made a list under the heading of `Contingency`. One point made was: `Plan B for if bill falls to make sure parts 4&5 can be implemented without information sharing.` Part 4 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act specifically refers to the Named Person scheme."

"Lesley Scott of the NO2NP campaign claimed the papers demonstrated that ministers intended to railroad the plan through even without political support. She said: `These worrying documents show the focus is clearly on implementing Named Person by the back door, regardless of whether the new bill gets through Parliament. Clearly, we are now dealing with a Government which is ignoring the UK Supreme Court, has no regard for the elected representatives of the Scottish people and is determined to shun public opinion`."

. Read more at:

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Airstrike hits bus full of children

"The Saudi-led military coalition fighting in Yemen’s war has said it will investigate an airstrike last week which hit a bus of children returning from a picnic."

"The Red Cross says last Thursday’s attack killed at least 51 people, including 40 children, after a missile hit the stationary vehicle in a market in Dahyan, in rebel-controlled Saada province."

"Footage of distressed children covered in blood arriving at medical centres sparked outrage around the world. The incident has also reignited debate over the role of Western countries such as the UK and US in supporting the coalition fighting Houthi rebels through both arms sales and operational support."

Baby mistakenly given Gardasil, now damaged

"The previously healthy baby, Aniya, began showing symptoms of problems almost immediately after getting the shot, a vaccine which is not approved for use in children under 10 years of age."

"Her mother sought medical attention for the symptoms that her daughter exhibited, asking each practitioner about the connection between the symptoms and the Gardasil-9 shot that her baby should not have received, but her concerns were rebuffed at every turn."

"No doctor that saw her daughter wanted to admit that the shot could have any kind of side effects."

"The doctor who made a medical error in giving her the vaccine has suffered no consequences, but the baby’s family has been ripped apart."


"The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services seeks to convince a jury to terminate the parental rights of Anita Vasquez for her now 22-month-old daughter, Aniya Blu Vasquez."

Friday, 10 August 2018

The risky interdependent world

Mike Robinson speaks on UK Column News, 26 July 2018.

"We`re starting with trade today," he says. "International trade, because that`s something that Theresa May`s been talking about a lot. Well, Liam Fox was talking about it yesterday at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. He was making the case for free trade."

"And he said, `In my first speech as the secretary of state for international trade I set out the case for an open and liberal trading environment, and the speech was in Manchester, home of the Industrial revolution and a city with iconic associations with free trade. That was nearly two years ago when trade barely registered on the radar of most of our media. Now of course it`s right at the top of NAFTA and all the rest of it, but he said: `It`s therefore a good time for us to examine our attitudes to trade from first principles and to measure them against our domestic priorities and international obligations`. And he started talking about Adam Smith and David Ricardo and he said, `Now of course since those days, since 1817, the world has changed beyond all recognition yet the experiences of globalisation and of technological advances, unimaginable in Ricardo`s time, have only served to validate his theory. The principles of free and open trade underpinned the multilateral institutions, rules and alliances, and helped rebuild post war Europe and the world beyond. It helped usher the fall of communism and tear down the iron curtain facilitating seventy years of global prosperity and have raised the living standards of hundreds of millions of ... human beings across the world`. `Indeed,`  he said, `free trade has allowed us to take one billion of our fellow human beings out of poverty in just one generation, one of the great achievements of history`. " 

"Well, what a liar ! Because let`s look at the Guardian. Here, this is some time ago. `UK government warned over sharp rise in child and pensioner poverty`."

"So Britain the bastion of free trade is experiencing the benefits of free trade, and poverty is rising as a result."

Brian Gerrish. "And that`s precisely what we`re exporting to the rest of the world... as resources are hoovered out of these countries."

"Absolutely. Well any parts of the world that we have any influence over, but if we contrast that with China, `China has almost wiped out urban poverty`...They haven`t done that through free trade ....mainly through having a development agenda."

"So let`s go back to Liam Fox again. `But effect of protectionism is as close to settled science as anything in economics will ever be: it means reduced productivity gains and lost economic growth`."

"So of course Britain being the bastion of free trade is not into protectionism but unfortunately Britain has falling productivity. So not quite sure where he`s going with that one either."

"So let`s get back to Liam. He said: `The global economy continues to rebound from the dark days of the financial crash and ensuing recession experienced by many large economies`."

Mike Robinson then points to another article in the Financial Times: `Nomura profits tumble 91% on fixed income, equities slump`, and then to the Wall Street Journal: `Prolonged Slump in Bond Liquidity Rattles Markets`.

"I don`t think you`re too right about that one either, Liam, but anyway we go on. He said: `In areas such as steel production we have seen new technologies enable us to produce the same output with far fewer employees`. That`s really good stuff there. Yes fantastic`."

"And in a separate part of the speech he said: `And worse, in a world of globalisaton where interdependence is increasing and where disruptions in one part of the world can quickly ricochet around the rest, our ability to act unilaterally with impunity is diminishing by the day`. "

"So this is supposed to be a speech about promoting free trade and here is the key point:  because globalisation and the British model of free trade, as is currently perceived, is one where we are absolutely interdependent on everybody else in an equally collapsing western world... because it`s the first world countries that we`re interdependent upon. So I wanted to highlight this in particular because, of course, as Brian mentioned yesterday Dominic Raab has been talking about the government stockpiling food and the excuse for the requirement to stockpile food was Brexit and the potential for No Deal and the issue of: `would we be able to import food any more from the European Union?`  And so I thought I`d have a little bit of a look at this in the context of Liam Fox`s comment about us being `increasingly in an interdependent world, and there being risks in that`."  

"So the quote on screen there: `It would be wrong to describe it as the government doing the stockpiling. And, of course, the idea that we only get food imports into this country from one continent is not appropriate`."

"Well, is that true? Well it turns out that Britain imports 50% of its fruit and vegetables, but on top of that, we are only able to produce 25% of the fruit and vegetables we consume in this country. So only 25% of what we eat is produced in the United Kingdom. Thirty percent of the fruit comes from Europe. Eighty percent of our vegetables comes from Europe. So I`m not quite sure how that ties in with Dominic`s idea that `we only get... imports ...from one continent is not appropriate`... Because of course the point here is that thirty percent and that eighty percent is all seasonal. So supermarkets import fruit and vegetables from Europe when it`s appropriate to do so and they import fruit and vegetables actually from other parts of the world, but south America in particular, during the winter months when it`s not being produced in Europe."

"So 50% of our fruit and vedge imported and we only produce 25% of what we consume in this country but Theresa May has a big plan, Brian. We don`t need to worry about it because she`s going to deal with farming and she`s going to deliver a farming policy which supports agriculture and improves the environment. So this is what she had to say:..."

"Scrapping the Common Agricultural Policy ... provides funds in return for public goods, like improving water quality, reducing emissions and planting wild flower meadows ... are fundamental to our new approach."

"So the fundamentals to Theresa May`s approach, bearing in mind that what has been highlighted by this is the issue of the potential of a No Deal Brexit, is the issue of food imports and the lack of independence in our capability of food production. We`re not going to produce more food because she`s going to scrap the Agricultural Policy and then she`s going to divert the funds into what has been described as public goods which is about turning farmland, productive farmland, into wild meadows."

Brian Gerrish: "Which of course is all Millenium Goals and Agenda 21..."

"Absolutely. So my question then comes down to this: why would we not want to be producing our own food? Is it that we`re not going to need food in the coming decades? I`m just going to remind everybody of the outstanding debt graph that we show from time to time and the key aspect of this on the right hand side of the doughnut there is ...[the] black hole ... in the ability to pay state pensions. Again, is the British government not expecting there to be too many old people left to pay pensions to in the coming decades?"

Brian Gerrish: "I think that`s exactly where they`re going, Mike, and I know at the moment we have a vast amount of information coming into the UK Column which is back on the subject of the deaths of particularly elderly people in the NHS. Of course an increasing number of people worried about the death statistics, Sir Brian Jarman being one of those people. Euthanasia is coming in which, unfortunately, we will be moving on to in a moment. So yeah I think the government`s agenda is there will be less people. David Cameron was talking about two million people diagnosed with dementia in 2050 I think the deadline for that. It could have been 2040 ... And the inference is we need to get rid of those people."

Mike Robinson: "So if we take everything that Liam Fox is saying and we put it with what Dominic Raab was saying and also with the realities of food production in this country, and pension provision in this country, the picture`s not looking too good and well maybe we should be having more serious conversations about this because this is a result of government policy and not something which is unavoidable. It`s absolutely avoidable and if we were looking at productivity and developing our farming industry in this country and our food production in this country we`d be in a much better position."

Brian Gerrish. "Absolutely. Well as we move through the news today I think we`ll be looking at some of those policy areas. But let`s come in with just this statement. We decide who lives and dies and only we. Now I took this headline because I was going to talk about Boris Johnson in a minute. But somebody else flagged up a headline which we really have to cover and it`s this one. Dutch doctor reprimanded for `asking family to hold down euthanasia patient` This is truly truly disgusting. And it gives us a glimpse of where we`ll be going in this country because there`s many people pushing to follow Holland on this. But the story is a doctor has been formally reprimanded by the Dutch medical complaints board for carrying out euthanasia on a 74-year-old woman with dementia, despite her resistance."

"The woman refused a cup of coffee containing a sedative and when she struggled, the doctor asked her husband and daughter to hold her down so she could insert a drip containing the lethal injection."

"The case is the first time since the Dutch euthanasia law was passed in 2002 that a practitioner has been formally censured. According to the Dutch NOS broadcaster, the public prosecutor will announce after the summer if the doctor will face criminal prosecution."

"So we`re now into the heart of it. We have euthanasia whether you like it or not. It`s coming into western European policy and, of course, the Dutch lead on this has already been pushed and pushed to come in through the UK system. MM, the lady had dementia; she`s held down and she`s effectively, in my terms, murdered. For whose benefit? Well presumably the state, because the state, ultimately, didn`t have to pay for her care."

Privacy breaches


The NO2NP campaigning group has learned that "the SEEMiS app, operating in Named Person pilots despite the Supreme Court judgment, tells users to `override consent` as a matter of course."

"A video tutorial for the app told practitioners"

"To extract information you will have to qualify why you’re taking it out of the system. The system asks a user to confirm whether or not consent has been given to share information. By default, most of the time, you’ll be able to tick ‘I wish to override consent’. Otherwise, you’ll have to show that you asked for parental and child consent."
"Yes, you read that right," the group continues: "`Override consent` `By default` `Avoid having to show that consent has been given`. An eagle-eyed NO2NP supporter captured a screenshot of the tick box in question...and posted it on Twitter."

"Several hours later, the video tutorial and associated guidance were deleted. This tells us that somebody, somewhere, knew the advice was in conflict with legal requirements."

"But all of this raises a much bigger question: if the SEEMiS app is still telling non-statutory named persons across the country that they can override consent, is unlawful data sharing still going on?"

"And if so, what are the Government going to do about it?"

Read more

Transforming mental health with apps

Towards the end of this edition of UK Column News, Mike Robinson said there was good news from the government. It was going to be `supporting each and every child and young person to fulfil their potential by transforming mental health services in this country.`

`Hundreds of new mental health workers will start working in and near schools and colleges from next year.`

`Schools and colleges will train a dedicated mental health lead to ensure young people get the help they need.`

`The first teams to begin working in schools and colleges will be in `Trail Blazer Locations` by the end of 2019`...

"So this is fantastic news," says Mike Robinson sarcastically. "Apparently 8,000 counsellors are going to go into schools to protect, well, what some mainstream media were calling a generation crushed by digital pressures. And so this is all about dealing with children that are getting involved in unhealthy online behaviours. And who`s behind this? "

"But of course it`s the illustrious Matt Hancock. Here he is, the health and social care AI boss. And he`s urging parents and also technology companies to do more to protect the young from pressures of social media. And how`s he going to do that? Apparently when he was speaking to the BBC Newsbeat, the sort of teenage news service, this morning he said there needs to be more use of apps in the National Health Service. And so we`ve got to do loads more in that area. The use of technology and apps is the way to do it. So this is a quote from him."

"`One of the things I`ve done in different parts of government is make sure that it`s more tech savvy and digital... We need more apps. How else can we maintain the business model?`"

"Because of course he has his own app. He promotes his own app. And if we have more apps we can have more apps on children`s phones and therefore children can suffer more mental health issues and then they can put more people into schools to deal with those mental health issues. And then they can produce more apps. ... It`s a fantastic business model and for the taxpayer it`s a great deal and I must applaud Matt Hancock for his brilliant business head."

Brian Gerrish: "It gets even better, Mike, because we understand that Westminster has now got an online game targeted, of course, at children; so a child can log into that particular site and experience what it is like to be an MP, waking up and having coffee and toast while you answer emails and you then follow through your day with a game generating what happens..."

"Presumably when children are playing that game it`s helping them to be mentally ill !"

Teenager targeted by extremists

"The authors of a report investigating extremism in Greater Manchester after the bombing at Manchester Arena falsely suggested that anti-fracking activists `groomed` a 14-year-old boy featured in a case study, the Guardian understands."

"The 124-page report by the Greater Manchester preventing hateful extremism and promoting social cohesion commission included the story of a teenager referred to Channel, part of the government’s anti-extremist Prevent programme."

"Calling him Aaron, the report described him as an A* pupil who `was referred to the Channel programme by his school due to concerns about his extreme beliefs in relation to the environment, specifically issues around fracking`..."

"But according to Greater Manchester police, the boy in question was never involved in the anti-fracking movement. He had been targeted by an entirely different group of activists, the force said. The detail was then changed without their knowledge, ostensibly to protect his real identity..."

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Prison population expands

"The UK prison population has risen by 82% in the last 30 years. We are increasingly becoming a prison island, where state violence and imprisonment are used to maintain a divided society built on exploitation. England and Wales have the highest imprisonment rate in western Europe, with Scotland the third most imprisoning country."

"This once-in-a-generation prison building programme represents a significant expansion of the repressive apparatus of the British state, entrenching the power of corporations in the criminal justice system even further. This report aims to document and contextualise this escalation in mass incarceration and provide information to support those fighting against it."

Expect more victims.

Child welfare companies in Norway

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Unlawful detentions

[Mark Townsend]

"While Donald Trumps policy of separating immigrant families has drawn international opprobrium, the practice continues largely unchallenged in the UK. Some say that when the prime minister recently described Trumps scheme as `deeply disturbing` and `wrong`, she must have hoped her own approach would be overlooked."

"Lawyers point out that UK unlawful detention cases are often settled out of court and silenced by confidentiality clauses. Inspired by the universal condemnation of Trumps separation policy, parents with ongoing cases against the Home Office have spoken out about a system that, lawyers claim, fails to take a childs welfare into account. "It is cruel and completely unnecessary," said Janet Farrell of solicitors Bhatt Murphy."

"Every year, hundreds of children are separated from a parent who is detained in a UK immigration centre and numbers continue to rise."

Predicting the future ?

"London councils are using data analytics to predict which children are at risk for neglect and abuse, allowing them to act before crisis occurs and prevent more costly, extensive interventions. Developed by technology company Xantura and trialled by councils including Hackney and Thurrock, the model analyses various data sources, including school and health records, to judge familiesrisk scores. Around 80% accurate, it identifies and alerts social workers to those who need extra support."

"One local authority has identified nearly 400 additional families to receive support, and more than 80% of risk alerts in Hackney have been deemed valid. Councils are expected to save over $910,000 for early targeted interventions, $160,000 by replacing human-conducted screenings with an automated system, and $193,000 for improving access to multi-agency data."

Will they also try to predict risky local authorities and incompetent social workers ?

Or the dangers of biased algorithms ?

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Podcast for Norway`s Silent Scandal

The BBC's podcast for Norway's Silent Scandal will feature on Thursday.

This is the introduction to the podcast:
Norway's Silent Scandal - Crossing Continents

"The conviction for child porn of a prominent expert in Norway's troubled child protection system has put the organisation under scrutiny once again. In April this year a child psychiatrist was convicted of downloading thousands of child pornography images on his computer. Up until his arrest he played a key role in decisions about whether children should be separated from their parents for their own good."

"But there has been no public discussion in Norway about the implications of his conviction, no outrage in the newspapers, no plans to review cases he was involved in - even though the country's child protection agency, Barnevernet, has been much criticised in recent years for removing children from their families without justification. In April 2016 Tim Whewell reported on the story for Crossing Continents after Barnevernet attracted an international storm of protest over its child protection policies.
Tim now returns to Norway to report on this extraordinary twist in the story and to find out if the service designed to put children first really is now out of control."

 Produced and Reported by Tim Whewell.