

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Emotional Intelligence for educators and intelligence officers

Mike Robinson is talking to David Scott on UK Column News about the MI6 television advertisement . "So this is the first time MI6 has put an advertisement on British TV and it`s quite interesting."

"So MI6 is now openly advertising for candidates, David, and what I found interesting about this is that they have relaxed the selection criteria.... So you must still be a British citizen but you`re not required to have one parent who has been a UK citizen, or at least has substantial ties to the UK; so they seem to be relaxing that quite a bit. And many of the mainstream media articles on this have been highlighting the fact that they seem to be particularly targeting people with immigrant status.... I`m not quite sure what MI6 is playing at here. First of all they`re supposed to be a foreign intelligence agency, not operating within the UK; so it looks like they are, perhaps, looking for people that they can send back to their home countries."

David Scott: "Well that would be rational.  I don`t know that rational is the thing to mind when you see the advert. What was that saying? It`s all about some sort of emotional intelligence and if you care enough you`re really empathetic; you`re in fact an intelligence officer...."

"Right, right. That`s right, David. And emotional intelligence is of course pure Common Purpose speak. This is part of Common Purpose agenda that you have intelligence IQ; you have cultural intelligence; that`s CQ, which is an awareness of other cultures, and you have emotional intelligence which, of course, most people of a psychopathic or sociopathic bent don`t really understand which is why they need training on the issue."

David Scott:  "Yes, and in terms of the foreign recruitment again, what are we trying to do ? What are the strategic goals? What`s the oversight? Are we actually seeing an organisation that`s following, albeit in a secret way, well understood national objectives, security and safety? Or are we seeing something with an entirely different agenda? ... The level to which it is now beyond the ken of the public as to what is being done in their name, and beyond the control of politicians, is just astounding."

Another look at `Emotional Intelligence`

Emotional intelligence is being used in schools to dumb children down, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds:

"Gardner (1985) explains that multiple intelligences are needed to define the complex human abilities and refers to how intelligence is measured scientifically. He states that a child who is capable of completing mathematic sums is not overall more intelligent that the next child who can express his feelings or empathise with others in his peer group. It is this reason that emotional intelligence is highlighted in education as Gardner states that there are different kinds of intelligence and none more important than the other..."

Emotional intelligence is also being used in schools as a sly means to monitor families:
 "In its linguistic and behavioural manifestations, emotional intelligence is synonymous with ‘emotional literacy’ (Goleman, 1996). This concept is now given increasing prominence in education, where curriculum advice for three to seven year olds (Foundation and Key Stage 1) specifies personal and social development as one of the six key curriculum areas (DfEE/QCA, 2000). The expectation is that, in routine teaching practice as well as special group times (‘Circle Time’) children in primary schools will be encouraged to talk to teachers and to one another and about personal and interpersonal difficulties and positive behavioural changes are to be conspicuously rewarded (Mortimer, 2003)."

See also Emotional Intelligence and Curriculum for Excellence

The consensus for constructivism

"Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence might not, at first sight, appear to be controversial. An outsider might notice the remarkable consensus that has accompanied its development at the heart of policy for school education. The report which launched it in 2004 is still endorsed by all five political parties in the Scottish Parliament..."

"The consensus extends also to every vested interest in Scottish education. The teacher trade unions have signed up to it so enthusiastically that they have been represented on its management board. The local authorities, responsible for managing public-sector schools, offered no dissent. The universities officially accepted the ideas uncritically, with their teacher-education faculties notably enthusiastic. Even critically supportive assessments were very unusual (but see that from Professor Mark Priestley)."

"Yet the curriculum has recently been the centre of widespread disquiet. The arguments are of a uniquely Scottish kind because they pit the entire leadership class in policy against maverick outsiders. So these critiques are partly invisible. But they reflect a sense that a once-admired education system is now mediocre..."

"But the reason why the new curriculum is a plausible culprit for the decline lies in what it gets children to learn. It belongs to that strand of curricular thinking sometimes known as constructivism. The essence of this view is that studying bodies of knowledge is pedagogically ineffective. Knowledge goes quickly out of date, and learning it is dull. Children emerge allegedly unable to think for themselves, unskilled for work in the new economy, and unprepared to act as democratic citizens. Instead, children should be enabled to construct knowledge for themselves."

"The defenders of the curriculum deny that knowledge is being neglected, but the survey results and the details of the voluminous curricular documents belie that..."

"The argument against Curriculum for Excellence is ... that subject disciplines are not merely arbitrary. They are the refinement of knowledge that has been gradually built up over centuries. In relation to that knowledge, each new generation of children are no more than humble apprentices. Knowledge can therefore be emancipating, and knowledge acquired through schools provides that opportunity to people who would not get it from home. If schools stop teaching structured knowledge, then inequality of access to knowledge will widen, because the children of the well-educated and the wealthy will get it in other ways..."

Adoptions for profit

Monday, 21 May 2018

Undertakers notice additional deaths

UK Column New [17 May 2018]

Mike Robinson: "Now, we were intending to show this yesterday: yesterday`s webcast that Ian Crane pushed out. He said this:"
"About six weeks ago I was visited at the Mission Springs protection camp by a Lincolnshire undertaker come to show his support for the anti-fracking community and he made the observation... `I`m not sure whether this is within your area of interest, but` he said, `the undertaker community around the UK are becoming increasingly aware of a marked increase in deaths in England and Wales`. And ... er, we had a conversation about it. He couldn`t really put a finger on why this was but unfortunately I didn`t have the time to really follow up on this. But I`m pleased to say that there are academics that have; and, it appears that a report was actually published in the British Medical Journal in March alerting the readers to the fact that there had been some 20,000 additional deaths in the UK in the first three months of this year."

Mike Robinson: "So that was from Ian`s livestream. yesterday. You can find that on his youtube channel and also on his facebook page."

"So here is the report that he was talking about: Rise in mortality in England and Wales in first seven weeks of 2018 - It`s been updated since. And this was the graph that they were showing:"

"They were comparing the average number of deaths per week between 2013 and 2017 .... comparing that to what was going on in 2018. And you can see quite clearly that there`s a marked step change in the rise in the number of deaths... These figures are from the Office of National Statistics and what the ONS say is that on week one there is an effect from Christmas. I`m not sure if they expected there would be more deaths in the first week following Christmas because undertakers aren`t working over the Christmas period. But nonetheless, the first week there was a significantly ... smaller increase in deaths than the following weeks..."

"As Ian said... that is a total of 20,486 extra deaths this year than previously and you know Ian was making a comment about an undertaker who had come to the fracking protection camp this spring to talk to Ian about [it]... We`re hearing this from other undertakers and ... so this is something that is not local to one particular area of the country... This is a representation of the collapse of the health service. "

Brian Gerrish: "Well it`s a very cynical collapse Mike if people are dying in increasing numbers which is what the statistics show. The effect around Christmas time is a known effect; it is very sad, but people who are isolated in particular find that a very bad time of year; so the deaths are known to increase. But one of the areas that Dr Mark Jones who spoke at our recent NHS conference in Nottingham highlighted was the fact that we`re mysteriously seeing an increase in deaths around the NHS [at the] end of [the] financial year. So there seems to be death tying in with the whole financial, profit making element which is now coming to the NHS as a result of privatisation."

"I`m sure Alex will want to come in but just follow through. This is `The Mechanics of Modern murder...` This is a diagram which Dr Mark Jones has put out on his twitter and he talked about it at the conference where he is identifying how money and profit has come into the NHS and the wider care system and how since the time this has been a driver we`re now seeing - sorry to be blunt - the bodies coming out of the system."

"And this was one of the other cartoons he used, a cartoon on a very serious subject, but it does help to get what is happening. We`ve got people increasingly diagnosed with dementia for which GPs are being payed ... We had David Cameron saying that there was going to be two million people diagnosed with dementia. I think it was by 2040 or 2050. How did he know that? But of course what we can see happening is dementia equals drugs, treatments and then these people are dying in very bad ways. They`re dehydrated, emaciated and Mark Jones said that he`s also had undertakers telling him about their deep concerns with the conditions of bodies."

"Now some of this has been reported, in a way. in the mainstream press."

"When the Mail first highlighted the harrowing abuses that were taking place under the Liverpool Care Pathway, we came under ferocious attack from the arrogant medical establishment, which accused us of inaccurate and counter-productive reporting." 
"Yes, as the president of the Association of Palliative Medicine conceded yesterday, in fact, we were exposing the failings of an `industrialised approach to managing dying people` that was more concerned with ticking boxes than providing a dignified, humane end." 
"We welcome this vindication of the free Press - and the new guidelines issued by NICE to ensure patients never again have water withheld against the wishes of themselves or their family, to hasten death and free up hospital beds."  
"But, that said, isn`t it still deeply depressing that doctors and nurses should need to be given written instruction on what constitutes the most basic act of human compassion?" [Daily Mail]
 "So we`ve got the Daily Mail here commenting and it`s talking about the `industrial approach to managing dying people`.Well if you play around with the words in that sentence a bit, you`re really looking at the industrialised approach to getting rid of people. This is what seems to be happening and the statistics we know are valid. We also know Sir Brian Jarman was one of the main people who started to warn the government there was something strange happening with deaths but of course he was silenced after a Common Purpose team rewrote the Staffordshire hospital investigation and that was a Common Purpose team; that`s what it was called."

"Now if you have a look at this that was kindly sent to us a couple of days ago;  it`s a court case, obviously, of the judiciary of England and Wales. So it`s PW v Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and this is about a man who is now being cared for. He can only live with medical support and feeding by gastric tube. The family wanted to take him home but that was not going to be allowed..."
"`The Court of Appeal also resolved a disagreement about whether the full names of RW and his family could be reported. The Court of Protection, which (like the Court of Appeal) sat in public, directed that the Trust and Dr Levy could be identified, but that RW and his family members, and his treating clinicians could not be identified by name. The Court of Appeal, approaching the matter afresh, reached the same conclusion. It considered arguments made by the family members that RW would have wanted to be named, so that the nature of his condition and the way in which he had been treated in hospital could attract the widest publicity. The Court of Appeal balanced these arguments and arguments relating to the freedom of speech. It concluded that RW is extremely vulnerable and requires protection in the last stages of his life. Although he has no appreciation of what is going on, he has an important interest in his privacy and dignity being maintained. The grievances expressed by the family members are their grievances, not his. The general public interest in the treatment of people with end-stage dementia can be aired without the need to name RW.`"
"So what was actually said is that the court said: No, what the family want didn`t matter, that it should be the decision of the court to decide what happens to this man. So we`re seeing this more and more. If you think you are there to look after your loved ones, the British state says: `No no no, the state is going to decide on what happens to your children, Alfie Evans. The state is going to decide when your mum and dad die.` So very serious stuff."

"And Alex this in fact will lead us on to the Hofschroer  case which I`ve got one slide for, but I don`t know whether you`d like to comment on those very worrying statistics we`ve just covered."

Alex Thomson: "I would yes. About a decade ago now Common Purpose embedded in the Register Offices of various London boroughs and they`ve since spun off into other names like Patchwork and Futuregov but Common Purpose effectively started agitating and taking over the human resources departments of the London boroughs and the rest of the country in registration and one of the things they got changed was the very unusual arrangement we have, even within common law countries, whereby  ... registrars of births and deaths and the superintendent registrars above them who also conduct the marriages and keep the registers, these people had been ...  statutory officers... That means councils only dealt with their pay; they did not have control over them and boss them about. They were actually our public employees nationally. That did change in legislation at the end of the Brown labour government or the beginning of the conservative liberal coalition government ...[He is not sure if this applies to Northern Ireland and Scotland.] But as a result of this, registrars who are of course the other people who see ... these dead people rising and they see much more than the usual new year peak which happens with old people in the cold weather and festivities and so on, these are the only other people who are in the first line, other than the undertakers of seeing what is happening."

"Undertakers are of course self employed mostly or work for private chains whereas the registrars have now had their mouths stopped. Since a few years ago under Common Purpose leadership they have become employees of tightly run tyrannical local councils. So it is really up to registrar whistleblowers or more particularly I think to undertakers to point out what`s going on. It`s almost as if people knew several years ago that this was coming down the pipeline. "

Peter Hofschroer and Barbara Hofschroer discussion begins about 28 minutes.

See also Freedom Talk Radio below: 

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Mandatory mental health tests

"New mothers should receive a mental health checkup six weeks after giving birth to help tackle possible postnatal depression and other problems related to having a baby, ministers have been told."

"A cross-party group of 60 MPs and peers have written to Steve Brine, the minister for public health and primary care, demanding that all mothers in England have an assessment of their emotional and mental health carried out by a GP, practice nurse or health visitor."

"They say that making such checkups mandatory would reduce the damage experienced by women, children and families caused by mothers suffering psychological problems associated with pregnancy and birth, which often go undetected."

"About half of mothers in the UK develop a mental health problem of some sort during that time, such as postnatal depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and postpartum psychosis, according to the parenting charity NCT."

Here is what the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) have to say about themselves:

"We're here to support parents. We give them accurate, impartial information so that they can decide what’s best for their family, and we introduce them to a network of local parents to gain practical and emotional support."

NHS Choices quotes a figure of 1 in 10 women having a risk of developing postnatal depression in the first year after birth, so the statistic given by NCT seems much too high. Their claim to provide accurate impartial information does not stand up.

Also, encouraging mandatory mental health tests does not fit with helping parents to make their own decisions about what is best for their family.

But the proposal is good for the pharmaceutical companies and the fostering and adoption industry perhaps?

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Research articles for free

Director of Children`s Aid Society charged

"OPP has charged William Sweet, a resident of Picton, Ont., after allegations of wrongdoing during his work as the executive director of the Prince Edward County Children’s Aid Society between 2002 and 2010."

"Investigating cases of children placed with foster parents who themselves were convicted of child abuse, this led the OPP to look into Sweet’s involvement as executive director of the child care organization..."

"Sgt. Carolle Dionne, provincial media relations coordinator, says that although Sweet never fostered any children of his own, he is being charged because as she said, `he ought to have known better` than to place children with the foster parents who have since been convicted in child abuse cases."

"For a period of eight years, nine foster children were placed with six foster parents who have since been convicted of sexual abuse against those children."

12 children killed

Impressive robots in education

Friday, 11 May 2018

State kidnap

UK Column News 8 may 2018

Towards the end of the programme, Brian Gerrish says: "Here`s the Guardian. Now many people sent this into us saying: `My Goodness, the Guardian has woken up.` And I`m going to say: `Well not quite.` The headline is: `The state has a terrible secret: it kidnaps our children...Let`s see where they go on this."
`Kidnap is not a crime typically associated with Britain. But it is happening, right now, and the local authorities involved don`t want you to know. High court judge Mr Justice Keehan, in a scathing judgment earlier this year at Nottingham family court, revealed that at least 16 children have been `wrongly and abusively` looked after by Herefordshire council, under something called a section 20 arrangement, for `wholly inappropriate` periods of time. For one boy, that was the first nine years of his life after he was born to his 14-year-old mother. For another boy it was eight years, from the age of eight to 16, despite his mother on several occasions withdrawing her consent. Shockingly, at the time of the judgment, 14 children were still being wrongfully looked after by Herefordshire on section 20 arrangements, despite the local authority knowing full well the judge`s displeasure.`

Brian Gerrish picks up on the statement that at least `16 children have been wrongly and abusively looked after by Herefordshire council, by saying `Well the abuse of children is a criminal offence. So the journalist is telling us that a council - thus people in the council - have abusively treated children. That`s a criminal offence Mike. But we`re not seeing this lady grip it because she doesn`t really understand that kidnap is actually a well established state in the country, and if we go on through,"
`Social workers must stop acting as if they are above the law. In reporting on family cases, I have observed the most extraordinary sense of entitlement and arrogance both in court hearings and in email communications when attempting to investigate and highlight poor and unlawful practice. There is no humility. There is instead a knee-jerk opposition to anyone presuming to want to hold a local authority publicly to account.  Given that family cases are heard in private, if the judge had not rejected the council`s plea to keep its identity secret, nobody would ever have known about the longstanding and outrageous failings of Herefordshire`s social work team. Why, just because the state is the `corporate parent`, should it usually get a free pass on scrutiny and accountability?"

Referring to the last sentence, Brian Gerrish says: "So this lady believes that the state is the `corporate parent`." 

"So that then brings in this which we`ve had many times. This is Aileen Campbell, Scottish National Party where she said: `We recognise parents also have a role in making decisions [about raising children.] So the key issue, totally missed by the Guardian, is that the state is simply saying parents are not needed any more. We are the guardian; we will take the children; we will run secret courts. We may abuse the children; that`s an offence for you, the parent; it`s not an offence for the local authority. And if we decide we`re going to have the child killed, as in the case of Alfie Evans, the corporate state parent is going to make that decision."

"So we would just say to Miss Tickle, the journalist that wrote that Guardian article, I think you need to wake up pretty quickly." 

"And since we`ve been on a theme, AV, this was AV3 in Bristol, back in 2009, where I gave the talk, talking about `child snatching by the state.` So the Guardian, beginning possibly to wake up, a mere nine years later. The only difference is that we told the truth: Children stolen and kidnapped from their parents by the state using lies, false evidence, perjury, threats, intimidation, false medical reports, including sectioning; fraud, corruption in public authorities, police, courts and high levels of government."

"So we think the Guardian has a long way to go. If you feel motivated enough to challenge, or inform or help this young lady journalist to understand what`s really going on, this is her twitter page." 

"And I was just fascinated as an aside that she retweeted the idea that Coronation Street was a good place to go for suicide advice."



"Right. Not much to say there Brian."

End-of-life treatment

"Alfie, already weakened and subjected to violent treatment, was deprived of the antibiotics needed to treat his lung infection and then of food and oxygen for too many hours. Those who want to avoid taking a stand find shelter behind the mantra of a `too complicated case` whose boundaries would be too difficult to establish. But perhaps what is lacking is the courage to face the facts and say clearly that this is a case of blatant euthanasia? It is clear that if for the doctors considered Alfie's life was `futile`, then the effort and cost involved were not worth bearing and automatically the medical approach could only be to eliminate him. As Selicorni wrote: `If I consider Alfie's changing fortunes as worthless, a useless, meaningless human life, I can not help but think that the sooner I put an end to it, the better it is`."

"Sounds like fantasy? In 2012, controversy arose due to complaints filed by patients involved in the Liverpool Care Pathaway, the end-of-life treatment program then in force in Britain. A nurse from Alder Hey, Bernadette Loyd, exasperated by seeing similar cases, had written to the Minister of Health denouncing the ways in which children and babies die. `Dying of thirst is terrible, and it is inconceivable that children should die like that. Their parents stand at a crossroads and feel almost forced to choose this path because the doctors say their children have only a few days to live. But it is very difficult to predict death and I have also seen a few children come back to life after the LCP had been started and then stopped.` `I have also seen children die terribly of thirst because hydration is suspended until they die. I saw a 14-year-old boy with cancer die with his tongue stuck to his palate when the doctors refused to hydrate him. His death was experienced with anguish by him and us nurses. This is euthanasia being introduced through the front door `. The National Health System responded to Loyd without addressing the matter: `Care for the end of life must meet the highest professional criteria and we must know how to stand next to the child's parents during the decision-making process`."

The original article in Italian is: Ecco come hanno fatto morire Alfie
(Translation by Patricia Gooding Williams)

Where are you going Jeremy ?

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

The pathway to death

"Let`s come on to the subject of UK`s death pathway," says Brian Gerrish. "Some people are going to be a little bit upset by this as a title but in the background, over several years now, the UK Column has been receiving more and more information saying that something very serious...something dark is going on within the NHS. We`ve taken these reports very seriously. We`ve dealt with them very carefully but as time`s gone on it`s true to say that the evidence is building that there`s something extremely unpleasant going on."

"Now we`re going to come back to this case of young Alfie Evans because a great many people have contacted us and asked us just to pay attention to what`s happening in this particular case and so, as Mike set out yesterday, this little boy became ill and we`ve now got to the stage where reports are simply saying that: `No, he must be allowed to die,`even though medical facilities and doctors overseas, particularly in Italy, are saying: `We can take this child.` So what does the court do? It rules that the little boy is a British citizen; he`s now under the control of the court; and, therefore, he`s now going to be allowed to die under the control of the court."

"So it would seem at first glance that the actual policy being implemented by the court here is a care policy by a pathway to death. So let`s just have a look at the timeline. We`ve chosen the Daily Mail because they were kind enough to give a concise report here. So we can see first of all that in May 2016 Alfie is born apparently perfectly healthy but misses.... numerous milestones in his development in his first seven months and by December 2016 Alfie`s caught a chest infection and he`s having seizures. He`s taken to Alder Hey children`s hospital in Liverpool where he`s put on life support and then he remains there."

"Eventually the hospital is upset because the parents have smuggled in a German doctor, according to this report, in a bid to stop Alfie`s life support being switched off; and I can imagine the hospital getting pretty worried about that because this would mean, if you like, an independent medical opinion starting to have access to the child. So where does that take us? Well it takes us to February 20th when Mr Justine Hayden rules that doctors can stop providing treatment to Alfie and this is then backed by three court of appeal judges ruling that the doctors can stop treatment."

"Eventually by March 20th ... a panel of three justices headed by Supreme Court president Lady Hale decide the case is quote `Not worth arguing`. That`s an interesting expression Mike... and they refuse to give the couple permission to mount a further appeal. So here`s the justice system now driving a wedge between parents and their child. "

"So let`s follow it through because now we can come into the real meat of it. So April 11th the high court judge endorse an end of life care plan for the 23 month old boy. By April 20th the Supreme Court has rejected the latest legal bid.  Even the European Court of Human Rights refuses to intervene - I`ll just come back and say that that reinforces your comments about ... human rights instead of freedoms and God given inalienable rights. Here we`re being given rights by a European system which then takes them away."

"April 24th a special session in the High Court in Manchester rejects the application to overturn the decision; and, finally, April 25th appeal judges asked to overturn the April 24th decision but the parents` appeal is denied."

Mike Robinson responds: "It`s interesting that the mail doesn`t mention the intervention by the Pope who had .... I believe intervened to help get this child transported to Italy; but that has been rejected as the state. At the heart of this Brian is the idea that... parents are not capable of making decisions about what`s in the best interest of the child. As I heard a lot of the mainstream coverage of this on the radio over the last couple of days, it`s all been about: `Well European countries don`t normally sort of concern themselves with the best interests of the child. It`s only in Britain we concern ourselves with the best interests of the child; and so, in our opinion, the best interests of the child is to allow the child to die."

Brian Gerrish: "Well yes, this is the theme and this is where we`re going to take people today. It`s a very serious theme; it`s very dark; but we need to discuss it." 

"Well let`s bring in at least a couple of the judges, so we can see who we`re dealing with. This is judge Hayden; he ruled on the 20th February decision that doctors can stop treatment of Alfie. And I picked out a Telegraph headline here: `Judge questions why taxpayers` money has been spent stopping British boy travelling to Syria for jihad.` This is a very controversial judge. He`s very big in promoting gay interests and some people are saying at the moment that this automatically means that he may be less than - what`s the word - `independent `to the Alfie case because they`ve chosen to have the support of Christian barristers. So whether there`s truth in that we don`t know but we can certainly say this is a very controversial judge. "

"And he`s also been working to produce documents to do with the law and how the law should be followed through. Maybe that`s appropriate for a judge but if I now bring in this lady - here she is - Lady Hale, it becomes very interesting because if you read her CV here it says: `Well this is the first academic lawyer, law reformer, that has actually come into the job of president of the Supreme Court. So what they`re saying is that this isn`t somebody who`s been through the law system full time. This is actually a person who`s been working in the background, helping to devise political policy."

"And I ask the question: `Is this what`s happening now, the implementation of that political policy in court with respect to powers of parents over their ... own children? So quite a few questions to be asked there and at this point let`s remind people of this lady, SNP Minister Aileen `also` Campbell. Where did she get that strange name from? Well she is on record as saying with respect to the draconian SNP Named Person scheme: `We recognise parents also have a role in making decisions [about raising children.] Now UK Column reported this several times, at the time she made this comment, and we said to people: `Do you realise what this means?` What this woman is saying is that the intention is, in Scotland at least, that the state will have the principle authority for bringing up a child. But don`t worry, as a parent you may also have a bit of a role."

"And now what are we seeing in this court case? Well, we`re seeing in this court case that the judges in court - remember no jury - this is simply judges in the court, saying: `Well you`re a parent but you can`t really make sensible decisions for your own child`s life, so we`re going to take that decision away from you`."

"Now people are creating quite a stir over the media in respect to this and I feel quite rightly. What is the result of that? Well Merseyside Police have issued a statement: This is the statement: `We`ve issued a statement this evening to make people aware that social media posts which are being posted in relation to Alder Hey and the Alfie Evans situation are being monitored and may be acted upon. Read the full statement here`. So this is a threat from Merseyside Police that if people are getting a bit emotional about what`s been happening about Alfie and that carries over, spills over on to social media, they are actually taking action."

"But this is the same police that refuse to intervene in deaths in NHS hospitals, or it`s very difficult to get them to intervene. I can say from a personal basis we were able to get Devon and Cornwall Police to intervene in the death of a lady in Derriford Hospital but, my goodness, it was quite a battle to do that and the police even told us at the time that they really had to make an appointment with the Chief Executive to get information although they were dealing with a death."

"So this is a comment from a person this morning and I think it was pretty astute: `Perhaps we should remember that Merseyside police lied to try and cover up the Hillsborough deaths.`"

"This is sinister stuff Mike. We`ve got parents desperately worried about what`s happened to their child in hospital; the police are not there in the background thinking that maybe a dirty deed has been done by the hospital; this is: `You get out of line on social media and Merseyside Police are going to be after you."

Death pathway for the elderly 

"So let`s look at the key points around the death pathway for elderly people in this country."

"Food and drink are now ruled as medical treatment. In fact that`s across all age groups, so would apply to Alfie as well. So when you see the fact he hasn`t been receiving the food or drink, that is actually considered part of medical treatment; and when you see the statement: `Doctors have stopped medical treatment`, that`s food and drink as well."

"Removing fluids leads to dehydration which leads to loss of cognitive function and dementia-like symptoms. That`s an important characteristic."

"Based on the `dementia` symptoms drugs can be administered which produce further mental confusion."

"Cocktails of drugs, including sedatives, are used to produce a comatose state ultimately leading to death."

"If family members complain about `treatment` they are barred from hospital wards and/or Office of Public Guardian/Court of Protection is used to take the relatives from their care. Wards are often locked..."

"Elderly people 80 and over can simply be diagnosed as dying from `old age`. So the moment you`re in hospital; you`re over 80; you die; somebody can fill in a form saying: `Well you died of old age.` No forensic toxicology; no investigation into what actually caused the death."

"NHS death certificates should be completed by two doctors [at £85 per signature] but often now we see just one doctor signing and often where that doctor has never seen the patient and this is called colloquially within the NHS...`ash for cash`."

"And coroners are fully integrated with local authorities, police and the NHS. So there`s no separation of powers."

"And if you say, why would they be doing this? The answer is that it`s deemed that there`s too many old useless eaters who are costing the NHS and government money. This is sinister stuff Mike."

Mike Robinson replies: "And so what seems to be being suggested here is that perhaps the same type of treatment is being applied to Alfie as well. Perhaps the point we should make, although the term is no longer used any more, of course, the original death pathway was called ... the Liverpool Care Pathway."

Brian Gerrish: "Well, I`m getting exactly where you are pointing. Let`s just show people that what we`re talking about is real. This is a BBC headline from a little while ago. `Norfolk and Norwich Hospital creates A&E for elderly patients`. So you go to hospital as an elderly person; you are going to be segregated through a different system and many people say they find this very sinister. `Elderly patients will be sent straight to a dedicated emergency department when they arrive at the hospital.` And if there`s a `Do not resuscitate [notice`] on their records I think we know what`s going to happen. `This means we`ve got to do something that no-one else has done before in the UK, to ensure our older patients are able to receive the best care most appropriate to their needs in a timely manner...` I don`t get a warm feeling from this language. And then the article is quick to point out there`s 571,245 people aged 90 and over living in the UK in 2016, and I think the implication is that they`re too expensive; they`re costing too much money."  

Death pathway for children
"So really Mike, your question was this: `Why would children be put on a death pathway? And this has been derived from information that`s been coming into the UK Column for some time:" 

"To destroy evidence of medical negligence - and I think this may apply in the Alfie case."

"To destroy evidence of vaccine damage - and I think this might apply in the Alfie case."

"To destroy evidence of pharmaceutical drug tests."

"Valuable body parts"

"And cash incentives."


"And If you think that`s just too strong, then here we are, an article setting out `Hospitals bribed to put patients on pathway to death`."

"So the evidence is hidden in plain sight and this is very very serious and sinister stuff.  Now this particular image on screen is from the twitter page of a Dr Jones... and he`s pointing out that there is a petition at the moment that children who have received at least diagnosis or treatment under the NHS without success should be allowed to go abroad. That`s already received well over 10,000 signatures... and basically there`s still silence from the UK government."

"If you want to understand this more have a look at the UK Column website and search for `Mechanics of Modern Murder` where there`s an interview on this very subject."


This section of the programme is completed with a reminder of the Dying for Good Health conference at Albert Hall, Nottingham on 12 May to `promote the good in the NHS and also to delve into other areas that authorities refuse to report`.

Note that the reputation of Alder Hey hospital has also been tarnished by the illegal collection of children`s organs, particularly that resulting from Professor van Velzen`s practices.

See also `Children Placed on Controversial Death Pathway` at link below: