Among the club members there are four sheriffs (equivalent to English judges), two ex-partners of sheriffs, two High Court judges and partners, two procurator fiscals and partners, six ex-partners of procurator fiscals, sixteen court staff, thirty seven staff from Scottish government departments and seventeen primary school teachers. Is this why the Scottish establishment wanted to confiscate Robert Green`s computer?
It is interesting how a formal petition, brought about by Peter Cherbi, (Diary of Injustice) - to ensure members of the Scottish judiciary have a duty to publicly disclose information about their interests, if there might be a conflict - has been resisted by the Lord President. What is it he would prefer to hide?
Meanwhile no Scottish member of Parliament will respond to requests to look into the matter including Alex Salmond who has twice breached the law in defying the Information Commissioner over questions about his conduct in the Hollie Greig case.
Robert Green has written a letter which appears on the Free Robert Green blog:
Dear S
Thank you for your message [on Email a Prisoner https://emaplogin.prison-technology-services.com/signup/signup.cfm?country=uk) . Yes I do have some medication now, which does help although I feel my health is deteriorating. Still, I receive the most wonderful support from around the world and remain, as usual, in good spirits.
The wing of the prison in which I am held is very old-fashioned and I am in solitary confinement, locked up, for around 19 hours each day. The food is basic but adequate. We do not eat together but collect our meals and eat in our cells. There is around one hour’s exercise in the yard provided every day, but few facilities beyond that. Virtually all the books I have are ones that have been sent in by kind supporters.
UPDATE: It has been reported on UKColumn News 18 June 2014 that the Violate website is no longer responding to emails, etc. It looks like they have gone underground.