

Friday 10 August 2018

Transforming mental health with apps

Towards the end of this edition of UK Column News, Mike Robinson said there was good news from the government. It was going to be `supporting each and every child and young person to fulfil their potential by transforming mental health services in this country.`

`Hundreds of new mental health workers will start working in and near schools and colleges from next year.`

`Schools and colleges will train a dedicated mental health lead to ensure young people get the help they need.`

`The first teams to begin working in schools and colleges will be in `Trail Blazer Locations` by the end of 2019`...

"So this is fantastic news," says Mike Robinson sarcastically. "Apparently 8,000 counsellors are going to go into schools to protect, well, what some mainstream media were calling a generation crushed by digital pressures. And so this is all about dealing with children that are getting involved in unhealthy online behaviours. And who`s behind this? "

"But of course it`s the illustrious Matt Hancock. Here he is, the health and social care AI boss. And he`s urging parents and also technology companies to do more to protect the young from pressures of social media. And how`s he going to do that? Apparently when he was speaking to the BBC Newsbeat, the sort of teenage news service, this morning he said there needs to be more use of apps in the National Health Service. And so we`ve got to do loads more in that area. The use of technology and apps is the way to do it. So this is a quote from him."

"`One of the things I`ve done in different parts of government is make sure that it`s more tech savvy and digital... We need more apps. How else can we maintain the business model?`"

"Because of course he has his own app. He promotes his own app. And if we have more apps we can have more apps on children`s phones and therefore children can suffer more mental health issues and then they can put more people into schools to deal with those mental health issues. And then they can produce more apps. ... It`s a fantastic business model and for the taxpayer it`s a great deal and I must applaud Matt Hancock for his brilliant business head."

Brian Gerrish: "It gets even better, Mike, because we understand that Westminster has now got an online game targeted, of course, at children; so a child can log into that particular site and experience what it is like to be an MP, waking up and having coffee and toast while you answer emails and you then follow through your day with a game generating what happens..."

"Presumably when children are playing that game it`s helping them to be mentally ill !"

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