

Sunday 22 April 2018

Still on the run

[Lucy Samson]

"A `DANGEROUS` teacher was obsessed with paedophiles who `booby-trapped his home` before abandoning his job and moving to Ireland."

"A hearing was told dad-of-four Brian Docherty claimed his colleagues were in a religious cult during his time at Fraserburgh Academy, Aberdeenshire..."

"Mr Docherty
, originally from Glasgow, was not present or represented at a General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) hearing in Edinburgh this week."

Image result for image brian docherty teacher
"The `dangerous` teacher Lucy Samson refers to is Brian Docherty, well known to the UK Column team who have reported on his case many times. Recently there have been few reports, at the request of the parents, so it is difficult to know what is happening to the family at the moment or why this article has suddenly appeared out-of-the-blue."  [See UK Column here:]

So fantastical are some of the incidents surrounding the Dochertys that a few people question their mental health in reporting them. The article appears to be attacking the father from that angle too. However, getting bogged down in deciding whether the Dochertys are mentally ill or not is a diversion, useful for the establishment, because none of it begins to explain why the Scottish Police failed to investigate the Dochertys` original allegation.

For example, Scottish Sceptic wonders whether to believe the authorities or the parents, but after analysing the matter comes down on the side of the Dochertys.... "It appears to me there is very strong evidence that there was a conspiracy to use the threat of taking children away to silence the Dochertys and stop them pursuing the allegation."

[i.e. that Alan Low, acquaintance of Viscount Petersham, offered the Dochertys £25,000 for `access` to their autistic son]

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