

Sunday 28 February 2016

Public Services Ombudsman, Jim Martin, criticises Named Person scheme

"A decision by ministers to appoint a `state guardian` to every child in Scotland has led to accusations of unwarranted interference in family life and claims that resources will become so stretched that the genuinely vulnerable might not receive the attention they desperately need."

"Supporters of the law say it will ensure more cases where children are neglected or in danger will be uncovered and dealt with sooner. They also insist named persons will not have the right to intervene where no problem exists..."

"It is important to remember that mechanisms to ensure that children at risk are identified have existed for decades. Social work departments do much to assist in cases where children are believed to be in danger."

"The concerns of those who fear that the new legislation will weaken the focus on those in real need cannot be dismissed. But those who opposed the appointment of `state guardians` have already lost the argument: named persons are soon to be a fact of life and will remain so until the Scottish Parliament decides otherwise."

Privacy Risk Assessments - Information Commissioner`s Office

"It is troubling that this new legislation faces such fierce opposition from parents, churches, and politicians. Perhaps more worrying still is the suggestion that the law may be flawed."

"Today, we reveal that the Public Services Ombudsman, Jim Martin, has written to MSPs to express concerns about the system being put in place. He suggests the regulated system being introduced by the Scottish Government will not be flexible enough to adapt if changes to the way complaints are handled are deemed necessary."

"Furthermore, he points out that the procedure to be followed in the case of concerns about the actions of named persons are out of step with those elsewhere in the public sector."

Read more:

Who`s left now who has not criticised the Named Person scheme ?

Martin Crewe of Barnardos` who thinks Jim Martin has `blown` his concerns `out of all proportion.` Actually, given the enormous transformation between the individual and the state that this legislation entails, I think he`s been pretty low key.

Confident as ever, Martin Crewe is off tomorrow to chair the Capita Conference about implementing GIRFEC and the Named Person.
There`s something `inflexible` about a man who ignores the evidence and always thinks he knows better than everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. What privacy impact assessments, if any, have been carried out in respect of the surveys conducted in schools and the databasing of that information without proper informed parental consent?

    How will that affect complaints?
