
Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Communicating online and elsewhere

A number of thanks
Views for Chief Constable Mike Veale`s video are now climbing thanks to the help of UK Column supporters who have been sharing the video on social media. It is important that many thousands of people see this video because Mike Veale needs all the support he can get with his brave stance to go where the evidence takes him when investigating allegations about former Prime Minister Edward Heath.

Mike Robinson also wanted to highlight his Facebook page starting off with the Mike Veale video. It had 119 shares and 48 likes. He made a comment about the difference between `likes` and shares. "If you share something, the people in your own network get to see it. If you `like` it they don`t. The only people who benefit from a `like` really is Facebook because they get to understand what it is you`re `liking`, what it is you`re angry about and all these kind of things... So please share these posts because that helps us to get some of this information out."

"And thanks to everybody who shared my note on Facebook about Brexit being nothing of the kind, drawing similarities between what Theresa May is talking about and what David Cameron was talking about in the run up to the referendum; and of course he was campaigning to stay in the EU.  Theresa May is saying that we`re leaving the EU; but in fact the policies are identical..."

"And also thanks to everybody who shared this post highlighting the timeline we now have up on the UK Column on EU military unification and because as we`ve said before you cannot be out of the EU unless you`re separate and have sovereignty over your military. So thanks to the 100 or so people who have shared that so far."

Grooming and the Serious Crime Act

"The government has brought into force Section 67 of the Serious Crime Act 2015. It`s now a criminal offence they say for anyone aged 18 or over to intentionally communicate with a child under 16 where the person acts for a sexual purpose and the communication is sexual or intended to illicit a sexual response. The offence applies to online and off-line communication including social media, email, texts, letters and so on."

"People who are accused of grooming in this way will face up to two years in prison and will be automatically placed on the sex offenders register and this new offence they say will allow authorities, including the police and the Crown Prosecution Service to intervene earlier and stamp out abhorrent grooming before sexual activity can occur. And well the NSPCC says it`s great - the Justice Secretary is doing the right thing. Well what did she have to say?"

"Now Liz Truss says: `This new offence will give courts the powers to jail anyone who sends a sexual communication to a child - and stop the process of grooming before it starts`. She says: `In a world of mobile phones and social media our children are ever more vulnerable to those who prey on their innocence and exploit their trust. The best way of protecting our young people from the evils of child abuse is to stop it happening in the first place`."

Mike Robinson then added: "If I saw any evidence that this government or this parliament or the broader establishment within the United Kingdom wants to stop child abuse... then I might think this is worth the paper it`s written on..."

"I think this is part of a propaganda exercise," said Brian Gerrish, "which -  you`ll see why I think that in a minute."

"OK. Well what did Peter Wanless from the NSPCC have to say?
He said: `The Justice Secretary has done the right thing. This is a victory for the 50,000 people who supported the NSPCC`s Flaw in the Law campaign. It`s a victory for common sense. Children should be safe online as they are off-line, wherever they are in the UK. This law will give police in England and Wales powers they need to protect children from online grooming and to intervene sooner to stop the abuse before it starts`. As I say, this seems to me it`s simply to prevent people freelancing, Brian - if we can use that term. Because the NSPCC is also doing absolutely nothing substantive to prevent the abuse of children."

"Well, I think we`ve got to say there`s something worse than that about the NSPCC and that is that abuse victims and survivors that we speak to simply laugh when the name NSPCC is mentioned because they say `we wouldn`t trust the organisation with a barge pole.`And yet this is the very charity that was sat alongside the Metropolitan Police - indeed taking phone calls from members of the public who thought they were phoning the Met Police to talk about child abuse - and the Independent Inquiry. So this is a very insidious little charity which claims that it`s doing wonderful things but it seems to us the evidence from people who have been abused in the system is very different."

"The other point which I think we should raise here Mike is - if we talk about grooming - of course it`s the British government itself which is pushing in ever more graphic sex education for ever more younger children. So it would seem that whilst clamping down on crimes by people in the wider public arena that the government is very happy that it is grooming children itself through the education process."

"And let`s not mention the children who are groomed through the care system in this country."


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