
Sunday, 15 November 2015

Education: a common good

Children and Young People Summit August 2015 from Raising Attainment For All on Vimeo.

On a more global scale:

The Education 2030 Framework for Action (FFA) provides guidance to countries for the implementation of the Education 2030 agenda.

Rethinking Education: Towards a global common good? was launched after the meeting in Paris at UNESCO headquarters 4 November 2015.

If children want their `voices heard` there`s a lot to learn from the document: 
"Emerging forms of global governance systems of norm-setting and regulation in the delivery of global goods such as education are not new, but they are becoming more complex. Traditionally these systems were the responsibility of national governments and inter-governmental organizations, but we are seeing increasing participation by a range of non-state actors. There is now a myriad of governmental and non-governmental, for profit and non profit, actors involved in multiple and even competing governance arrangements at the global level.’"

"The result is a progressive shift in the locus of authority from the state to the global level where it is promoted not only by intergovernmental organizations but also increasingly by civil society organizations, corporations, foundations and think tanks. Governance arrangements at the global level have also become more complex, as illustrated by multi stakeholder arrangements such as the Global Partnership for Education (GPE)..."

"Data are vital to governance and to accountability for the diverse stakeholders involved in and concerned by public education at both national and global levels..."

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