
Monday, 15 June 2015

A new database will work alongside the Named Person scheme

"THE SNP is to create a £12million database containing medical details about every child in Scotland, with officials admitting the trove of information could be stored abroad."

"It will work alongside the controversial Named Person scheme, allowing health workers to "monitor" youngsters at the click of a button and flagging up parents who refuse vaccinations."

"The network will join with another upgraded NHS database containing the medical records of everybody north of the Border, known as the Community Health Index (CHI)."

"Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie called for a parliamentary debate on the plans, saying they would "fuel concerns" Scotland is moving closer to ID cards."

"Ten-year contracts for both projects have been put out to tender by the Scottish Government, with a target start date of August 2016 and a total cost of up to £32million."

"Ministers were accused of "jumping the gun" as the so-called super-ID database, or the NHS Central Register, is still awaiting a parliamentary review..."

"A Scottish Government spokeswoman said: "This is not an expansion but an upgrade of existing databases, some of which are 25 years old and which have become expensive to maintain."

"It does not represent an extension of the personal data held by the NHS and is not linked to previous proposals to change the operations of the NHS Central Register." 

The Scottish Government spokeswoman fails to understand what integrated services are about , that is,  Government knowing all there is to know about its citizens, or she is being deliberately misleading.

The point is that children`s services have been integrated in Scotland so that health is joined up with social care and education. With a concept as broad as `wellbeing` to play with,  medical records will include the child`s relationship with its parents, for example, dressed up in the language of attachment theory.

Health reviews which are looking more like they are becoming compulsory will include an examination of the child`s cognitive abilities, social and emotional learning, as well as the parent/child bond. Interventions will then be provided to children who are failing to measure up, and particularly to parents who do not fit the Government approved standard. An additional support need could be just about anything

As well as fearing that the accumulation of personal data may be vulnerable to cyber criminals and online  paedophiles, citizens need to start fearing their Government.

I am reminded of John Taylor Gatto`s description of the Chinese Dangan.

"The Western-inspired and Western-financed Chinese revolution, following hard on the heels of the last desperate attempt by China to prevent the British government traffic in narcotic drugs there, placed that ancient province in a favorable state of anarchy for laboratory tests of mind-alteration technology. Out of this period rose a Chinese universal tracking procedure called "The Dangan," a continuous lifelong personnel file exposing every student’s intimate life history from birth through school and onwards. The Dangan constituted the ultimate overthrow of privacy. Today, nobody works in China without a Dangan."

"By the mid-1960s preliminary work on an American Dangan was underway as information reservoirs attached to the school institution began to store personal information. A new class of expert like Ralph Tyler of the Carnegie Endowments quietly began to urge collection of personal data from students and its unification in computer code to enhance cross-referencing. Surreptitious data gathering was justified by Tyler as "the moral right of institutions."

 The Scottish Dangan is also a tool for social experimentation:


The Carnegie Trust lies behind the 3-Step Improvement Framework as well as the Chinese Dangan. These matters are always a long time in the planning.

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