
Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Child abuse in the police state

Whilst the Westminster CSA Inquiry continues to flounder, campaigners and victims of child abuse are being given a particularly hard time.

It has been reported by UK Column that Aberdeen court, where Robert Green attended this morning, has been turned into a star chamber. The sheriff ejected the public from the court who were warned that if there was any filming of people entering or leaving the court, they would be arrested. Proceedings were then moved to the smallest chamber in the building.

Robert Green who has campaigned for several years for a proper and thorough investigation into Hollie Greig`s allegations of sexual abuse by high establishment figures in Scotland has twice been imprisoned and has spent the past 295 days under what amounts to house arrest. He faces another possible term of imprisonment for charges that are still not clear. (violation of a non-harassment order ?)

At the same time, it was reported that Melanie Shaw, child abuse survivor and whistleblower, is now back in police custody after experiencing harassment by Nottingham police over the past few weeks.

Brian Gerrish reminded viewers that access to the records of all children`s homes in the UK has been restricted for 75 years or more, and that includes Beechwood care home where Melanie, and up to a hundred other children, were allegedly abused.

Why would the Government want to hide these records ?


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